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Modified 27 card set
This is just the 27 cards of the Modified Set 1 card set. This does not include any dice or game instructions.
Drivers included in this set: Benji LaCrosse, Bill Davis, Brian Mullen, Corey Dripps, Dale Fischlein, Danny Wallace, Dave Farren, David Murray Jr, Denny Rosenberg, Dude Thompson, Jack Mitchell, Jeff Aikey, Jerry Flippo, Jimmy Gustin, John Logue, Johnny Saathoff, Jordan Grabouski, Joren Boyce, Kelly Shryock, Kenny Wallace, Kevin Larkins, Rex Merritt, Richie Gustin, Ron Jones, Tim Ward, Wayne Larson, Kelly Boen
Drivers included in this set: Benji LaCrosse, Bill Davis, Brian Mullen, Corey Dripps, Dale Fischlein, Danny Wallace, Dave Farren, David Murray Jr, Denny Rosenberg, Dude Thompson, Jack Mitchell, Jeff Aikey, Jerry Flippo, Jimmy Gustin, John Logue, Johnny Saathoff, Jordan Grabouski, Joren Boyce, Kelly Shryock, Kenny Wallace, Kevin Larkins, Rex Merritt, Richie Gustin, Ron Jones, Tim Ward, Wayne Larson, Kelly Boen
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